Crypto is in a bubble - Yes. No. Crypto will be here in some shape or fashion 50 years from now. What coins / tokens will still be around is anyone’s guess. Our goal is to learn how cryptography relates to physical real estate. By keeping an eye on a specific niche are involved in the space but not dependent on the ‘price’ of crypto. We focus on the Utility.

I don't know anything about crypto - At least you are honest. We go from a level Zero to Working Knowledge. You might complete the 1 Day On-Ramp and decide this crypto really is a joke. Well you just saved yourself hours of time and untold thousands playing off & on with it for the foreseeable future. Cheap insurance.

Isn't this illegal? - No. Barter and exchange are time tested social exchanges. We just add crypto.

Is this about the metaverse / virtual land? - No. We might discuss virtual land and the metaverse on occasion. However our focus is on doing real deals right now with physical real estate, using some element of crypto.

I can't afford this - call me. You can’t afford not to. We accept barter. Car, watch, joke etc.

When does it start / end? First Monday of the Month @ weekly thereafter.

I don't want to keep the crypto, just do more deals - Yes. The crypto enables you to do more deals as it encourages you to trade it for more property.