Bob Steele

Who’s in Charge?

Robert ‘Bob’ Steele is your Host, Chief Cohort & occasional Mastermind. Bob literally wrote the book on Creative Real Estate. Then rewrote it as applied to Crypto Currency. Both “Block Chain Real Estate Exchange, a 400+ page manual and the 12 Volume tome “300 Ways to Buy, Sell or Exchange Real Estate” are required for any Principle or Broker’s library.

Prior to that Bob played baseball with Jackie Robinson. As an Educator Bob taught Dick Reno’s six-day exchange classes to as many as 350 brokers at a time and, in concert with Reno, established the Real Estate Expo, a six-day annual Exchange Meeting for as many as 3,000 Real Estate licensees in Las Vegas. When Mr. Reno passed away, Bob closed the Expo and NCE filled the void in Las Vegas with a three-day quarterly meeting. Bob is a very early Member of the Society of Exchange Counselors, the originator of the Orange Coast Exchangers in California and, in concert with Dick Reno, established the Creative Real Estate Magazine. Bob draws on his experiences from living and transacting Real Estate in various parts of the world and actually living in England, Spain, Mexico and Panama. Each country and jurisdiction had problems to be solved. Crypto & Real Estate are no different.

Robert Steele - Host & Educator